Conference “Entreprises et droits de l’homme” – inscription


The conference, business and human rights, organised by UEL and INDR in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, will take place on October 22, 2019 at 5 pm at the Chamber of Commerce, Luxembourg-Kirchberg. It is aimed at business executives and professionals dealing with human rights issues.

Participation is free of charge but registration via the below online form is required. Download the full programme here

Participation to the conference - aimed at business executives and professionals dealing with human rights issues

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Business & Human Rights – Commitment of UEL and INDR

The conference is part of the concrete actions set by the first National Action Plan(NAP) for the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 2018-2019, initiated by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and to which UEL and INDR have actively contributed. It follows a first conference held by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on 7 June 2019.

For UEL and INDR, the priority is to raise the awareness of companies in order to give them the tools to recognise the expectations in this regard but also seize the opportunities that compliance with the UN Guiding Principles may present in terms of competitiveness, risk management, and in particular reputational risk. The Guiding Principles do not impose legally binding obligations for companies, the reasonable due diligence put forward in the national action plan remains a voluntary approach. In order, however, to engage businesses in the pursuit of human rights diligence, UEL and INDR support company specific training initiatives. From a normative perspective the CSR labelling “Entreprise Responsable” or Responsible Company (CSR strategy, governance, social, environment), granted by INDR and supported by UEL, includes the human rights dimension. Companies are encouraged to formalise their approach through a self-check with the ESR Guide (

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