Call for applications: Weicker Award


The Alphonse Weicker Foundation launches the 2nd edition of the Sustainable Economic Progress Award

Organised in collaboration with BGL BNP Paribas, the INDR and the UEL, the Weicker Foundation’s Sustainable Economic Progress Award is aimed at companies with the INDR’s ESR label.

The prize, which is endowed with 10,000 euros, helps the Alphonse Weicker Foundation to promote CSR strategy as a new requirement for companies, as promoted in international standards such as ISO 26000 and GRI, and described in the chapter on CSR strategy in the INDR’s ESR Guide. BGL BNP PARIBAS is associated with this action through a second prize of 2,500 euros to be determined by the jury.

Kik Schneider, Chairman of the Weicker Foundation, confirms “the determination of both the Foundation and BGL BNP Paribas to continue supporting companies in their efforts to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive growth model after a particularly difficult year”.

Applications will be opened in September.

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