
In an increasingly complex and changing international tax environment, it is essential that Luxembourg is able to maintain a competitive, stable and transparent tax system. In that respect, it is also important to ensure that companies may benefit from an adequate degree of legal certainty in tax matters in order to encourage economic growth on a national and international level. UEL’s objective is to promote a tax system allowing companies to develop in a sustainable way and to face future challenges.

Taskforce taxation



Marc Wagener, UEL


Camille Seillès, Laétitia Carroz, ABBL
Marc Hengen, Valérie Tollet, Léa Zanda, ACA
Anne-Sophie Theissen, Kalliopi Fournari, Katarina Gerard, Chambre de Commerce
Tom Baumert, Luxembourg Confederation
Romain Schmit, Fédération des Artisans
René Winkin, FEDIL
Norry Dondelinger, Philippe Maroldt, Chambre des Métiers
Laura Bacharzyna, UEL

Working group secretary:

Flora Castellani, UEL


Flora Castellani, UEL

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