Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises has received the ESR label


UEL has received the ESR label after the validation of its re-labeling process. With this commitment, our organisation puts companies and their interests at the heart of the Luxembourgish society and strives for a sustainable and prosperous economy.

In a video statement, our director Jean-Paul Olinger and our CSR coordinator Sarah Encarnacao highlight the importance of this ESR label obtained for the first time in 2014.

What is the ESR label?

INDR has developed the national program ESR – ENTREPRISE RESPONSABLE which pursues the following objectives:

– To guide Luxemburgish companies in the implementation of CSR principles in order to contribute to a sustainable development

– To offer a complete assistance to companies

– Identify and publicly recognize companies actively involved in CSR


As a normative actor, INDR proposes a common definition of CSR that can be applied to all companies in Luxembourg and offers them a full range of services: awareness, information, advice, training, exchange of good practices (ProRSE), assessments, verification and labeling.

Since 2010, more than 1,300 companies have been introduced to CSR.

At present, there are 180 companies certified with the label ESR, employing a total of more than 54,000 employees in Luxembourg. This makes the group of ESR-labeled companies to one of the largest networks of responsible companies in Europe.

Our members