Signature of the National Pact “Business and Human Rights” by 50 Luxembourg companies


To celebrate its 15th anniversary, the INDR, founded by UEL and its members, invited CSR professionals to an evening event at the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday September 21. Faced with ever-increasing regulatory requirements, label-holders, ProRSE members and representatives of Luxembourg’s CSR ecosystem were able to discover the latest news from the INDR and listen to the perspectives of European players in the field.

In the presence of Franz Fayot, Minister of the Economy, nearly 200 Luxembourg CSR professionals attended the 15-year anniversary party for CSR and the INDR on September 21, 2023 at the Chamber of Commerce. Marc Lauer, President of the INDR, officially opened the evening by praising the ongoing commitment of Luxembourg companies to CSR and the quality of the services offered by the INDR team since its creation by the UEL and its members. “With the subject of CSR gaining momentum, the INDR (partner of the House of Sustainability) is expanding and will be stepping up its support in the coming months, to meet the growing needs of companies,” declared Marc Lauer.

INDR support adapts to the regulatory environment

This meeting with representatives of certified companies and its ecosystem demonstrates INDR’s commitment to providing valuable, ongoing support to companies, whatever their size or sector, in a rapidly changing regulatory environment. This will be reflected in the forthcoming update of its support offer, presented by INDR during the event. The platform, the digital tool of INDR’s ESR awareness-raising and labeling program, is becoming more powerful and will enable companies to carry out their impact materiality analysis during the self-assessment of their CSR approach.

In addition, INDR will soon be integrating the theme of biodiversity into its tool, allowing companies to assess their impact on biodiversity and natural ecosystems, and to help them develop “Nature-positive” projects.

Finally, the focus was on Responsibility Europe, the European label founded by INDR, Afnor and Ecoparc that is automatically awarded to ESR-certified companies. This label provides companies with Europe-wide credibility and the assurance of mature CSR implementation.

The evening continued with a panel discussion on “CSR perspectives to 2030 and beyond”, during which Anne-Marie Loesch, Head of Sustainability, House of Sustainability, Francesca Messini, Sustainability Leader Deloitte Luxembourg, Béatrice Belorgey, CEO BGL BNP Paribas Luxembourg, Alain Jounot, CSR Manager AFNOR Group, and Roland Bastian, Vice-President ArcelorMittal Luxembourg, contributed their vision and concrete insights from action plans implemented in their organizations.

To date, 300 companies in Luxembourg have been awarded the label, representing over 65,000 employees. In view of developments in this area, INDR, a leading national player, is confident of doubling the number of certified companies by 2030.

Presentation of the 2023 Sustainable Economic Progress Awards

During the evening, the Alphonse Weicker Foundation Prize, endowed with 10,000 euros, was awarded by Yves Nosbusch, Head of Communications, Sustainability & Strategy and Chief Economist at BGL BNP Paribas Luxembourg, to Schroeder & Associés, rewarded for its very comprehensive and ambitious CSR strategy, involving all its stakeholders. The BGL BNP Paribas prize of 2,500 euros was awarded by Béatrice Belorgey, CEO of BGL BNP Paribas Luxembourg, to Dussmann for its project to transform food waste into resources. This is the third year that the Alphonse Weicker Foundation and BGL BNP Paribas, in collaboration with INDR and UEL (Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises), have presented the Sustainable Economic Progress Awards, which recognize companies that have developed exemplary and innovative CSR initiatives and/or strategies.

About INDR

Created 15 years ago, the Institut National pour le Développement durable et la Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (INDR) was founded by members of the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL), the employers’ umbrella organization, with the aim of promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). The INDR is the gateway to all Luxembourg companies wishing to contribute to sustainable development. INDR is a partner of the House of Sustainability, an initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts. Further information at

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Guillaine Matter
Tel : 26 009 797  

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