Paul Reckinger: An outstanding personality has passed away


Paul Reckinger, one of the most outstanding personalities of the craft industry in Luxembourg, died on 26 May 2020 at the age of 83.

Throughout his entire career, the managing director of the family-owned company Reckinger Alfred S.A. represented the craft sector with strength and commitment on the political stage in Luxembourg and left his mark on craft organisations at national and European level. We, as the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL), particularly appreciate his commitment to coordination at employer level. In 2000, as President of the Chambre des Métiers, he became one of the founding members of our organisation.

His career within the professional associations began in 1966 when he joined the board of the Fédérations Réunies des Patrons Installateurs Sanitaires et des Patrons Installateurs de Chauffage et de Climatisation, an organisation he chaired until 1992.

Paul Reckinger also had a seat in the committee of the Fédération des Artisans, where he represented the technical engineering professions.

At European level, the engineer and master locksmith was president of the “Génie Climatique International” association, which brings together the national professional associations of technical engineering. The main initiative of his presidency was to bring together the various technical engineering professions within the same organisation, a move which marked similar developments in other countries, particularly in Luxembourg.

As a child of war, he was a committed European from an early age and also shaped the European stage, particularly in 2002 when he took over the presidency of the European Union of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (UEAPME), which later became SME United.

In Luxembourg, Paul Reckinger was President of the Chambre des Métiers from 1997 to 2007.

When he stepped down as President of the Chambre des Métiers in 2007, his farewell speech expressed the philosophy and convictions that have guided his actions throughout his career (extract):

“Ech kommen aus engem mettelstännegen Handwierksbetrieb mat enger laanger Traditioun. Ech sin awer och nach een Kand vun der Krichsgeneratioun. Do leien meng Wuerzelen, doraus zeihen ech meng Erfahrungen. Doraus leeden ech awer och d’Leitlinnen fir mein politescht an gesellschaftlecht Handelen of.

Politescht a gesellschaftlecht Handelen maachen an mengen Aen nemmen dann Senn, wann se un konkret Werter an un konkret Zieler gebonnen sin. Daat geht awer nemmen dann, wann een seng Motivatioun aus der perseinlecher Erfahrungswelt, aus dem direkter Entourage bezeiht. An och do an nemmen do, an der Famill, am Frendeskrees, an der Noperschaft, op der Arbechtsplaatz leisst sech den Erfolleg oder Messerfolleg vun allem Handelen verifizeieren. Do, a virum eegenen Spigel, muss een Rechenschaft ofleen. Politeschen an gesellschaftlechen Engamement reduzeiert sech am Endeffekt op zwee elementär Werter an Zieler: Fridden an Solidariteit.

Des Iwerzeegung erklärt och mein perseinlechen Engagement op zwee Pläng:

  • um europäischen Plang, notamment um Niveau vun der UEAPME, well ech der Meenung sin, datt Fridden an Europapolitik eent an daat selwecht sin;
  • um nationalen Plang, an eischter Linn um Niveau vun der Chambre des Métiers an der UEL, well ech der Meenung sin, datt Solidariteit an Wirtschaftspolitik och eent an daat selwecht sin.
  • an op deenen zwee Pläng gleichzeiteg, well ech der Meenung sin, datt Fridden an Solidariteit, Europapolitik an Wirtschaftspolitik zesummen geholl nach eemol daat selwecht sin. Dest besonnesch am Zeechen an ennert der Fuchtel vun der Globaliseierung.”


Paul Reckinger’s commitment to the artisanry and its companies was exemplary, and the industry owes him a great debt of gratitude. His contribution, which reflects his personality and values, will be remembered. The Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises sends its sincere condolences to his son Michel Reckinger, the current president of the Fédération des Artisans, as well as to his family and friends.

More articles from UEL members:
Fédération des Artisans – Paul Reckinger n’est plus
Chambre des Métiers – L’Artisanat luxembourgeois en deuil
Paul Reckinger
Paul Reckinger

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