Occupational Health and Safety Forum 2021


The Occupational Health and Safety Forum took place on 23 November 2021 for the first time in a virtual conference format at the Chamber of Commerce.

The OHS Forum was organised by the initiators of VISION ZERO in Luxembourg: the Accident Insurance Association, the Luxembourg Employers Association and the National Institute for Sustainable Development and CSR in collaboration with the following partners: the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors (BGETEM) and the Electricity Section of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Due to its international scope, simultaneous interpretation in 3 languages (French, English and German) was provided. Because of its international scope, simultaneous interpretation in 3 languages (French, English and German) was provided.

The day was divided into 4 modules and more than 30 national and international speakers spoke either on stage, via video message or live via Videoconference. The partner ministers Mr Romain Schneider (MSS), Mr Dan Kersch (MTEESS) and Ms Paulette Lenert (MS) were able to address the Forum participants in the introduction of modules 2 to 4.

If you were not able to follow the event, we strongly invite you to consult the Replay which is divided into 6 parts (opening, modules 1 to 4 and closing) by registering on the streaming platform: https://streaming.bce.lu/2021/forum-sst-visionzero/34/#/register

If you attended the Forum, you can replay all or part of the Forum with the same access codes you used for the streaming. The replay is also available in 3 languages (FR, EN, DE) or in the original version, i.e. the language spoken on stage.

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