Legislative elections 2023: A coalition aware of the challenges and looking to the future


UEL and its members take note of the results of the national electorate’s vote. On the basis of this democratic choice, the challenge now is to reach a forward-looking coalition agreement. UEL and its members are optimistic that the elected representatives are aware of the socio-economic challenges they will have to face during their term of office.

Against a backdrop of slowing economic activity, declining competitiveness and stagnating productivity, UEL and its members would like to point out that Luxembourg is facing a number of structural challenges, in particular :

  • Labour shortages and a changing employment and business market
  • The acceleration of the digital, energy and environmental transitions and the increased need for innovation
  • Public infrastructure and services under strain
  • A structural shortfall in the supply of housing
  • Unsustainable public finances and social security systems
chambre des députés luxembourg

In addition to these structural challenges, there is currently a crisis in the construction industry. Additional urgent measures are needed to revive activity in the sector and prevent the situation from spiralling into massive job losses and a worsening housing shortage.

Businesses – with their employees and their potential to contribute to the country’s progress – are at the heart of society and its sustainability. The next government would therefore be well advised to promote an environment that is attractive to talent, businesses and investors, favourable to innovation and predictable at the legislative, socio-economic and fiscal levels.

UEL’s mission is to work towards a prosperous and sustainable economy. This mission will be decisive for the success of the next government’s social, family and societal policies, and will therefore ultimately contribute to its success.

While remaining confident that its messages will be echoed in the reflections around the formation of the future Government, the UEL is ready to enter into dialogue with the future Prime Minister and the parties that will form the next coalition to address together the challenges to be met.

Read the press release (PDF in French)
Find out more about the key figures published by UEL (in French)

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