Business and Human Rights – 2nd NAP


Second National Action Plan for the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 2020-2022

Negotiated in the wake of the first National Action Plan (NAP) 2018-2019, the 2nd NAP aims to respond to Luxembourg’s international commitments to strengthen the respect and promotion of human rights, in particular by raising awareness among national and transnational companies of their responsibility with regard to human rights, internally, and throughout their economic value chains. Like the first NAP, the second edition reflects the consensus negotiated between public sector ministries and departments on the one hand and representatives of the private sector, civil society and trade unions on the other. The NAP sets out a series of action points to be achieved over the next 18 months.

UEL and INDR have actively participated in the NAP work and are committed to raising awareness of the issue among companies and their managers: appropriate training and governance tools will be made available to assist them in the implementation of due diligence. In the face of future regulatory pressures, UEL and INDR plead in favour of a level-playing field at EU level for all companies.

The UEL and INDR position can be found on page 52 of the NAP, which can be downloaded as follows

UEL/INDR, January 2020

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