Brochure: Digitalisation of tax deduction forms


The purpose of the brochure is to present the main changes resulting from the digitisation of tax deduction forms and to explain to employers the resulting obligations for them as of 1 January 2022. It is intended to assist employers in implementing these new procedures and to anticipate them.

This document was drawn up by UEL with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and in collaboration with the ABBL, the ACA, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chambre des Métiers, the clc, the Fédération des Artisans, the FEDIL and the Horesca.

The information contained in this document is of a general nature and is not intended to address the specific situation of any particular individual or company. The information cannot, and should not, be used as a basis for decisions without seeking professional advice and without a detailed analysis of each situation.

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