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Accident Insurance Association

The Association d’Assurance Accident (AAA – Accident Insurance Association) is a public institution responsible for the prevention and compensation of accidents at work and occupational diseases. Created by the legislator in 1901 and reformed by the law of May 12th, 2010, it is placed under the tutelage of the minister of the social security and is managed by a steering committee composed as follows:

The management of the accident insurance is the responsibility of the Association d’assurance accident, which is placed under the responsibility of the Board of Directors and is composed, apart from the president, a civil servant,

  • of seven employers’ representatives appointed by the Chambre de Commerce and the Chambre des Métiers,
  • one delegate of the non-salaried designated by the Chambre d’Agriculture,
  • seven employee delegates appointed by the Chambre des salariés,
  • one employee delegate appointed by the Chambre des fonctionnaires et employés publics.


The most important administrative services of the AAA, dealing with employers and insured persons, are

Accident insurance contributions

The expenses of the compulsory insurance are financed by contributions from employers or self-employed insured persons. Whereas until 2010, contributors were divided into 21 classes according to the nature of the insured activity, from 2011 onwards, the general scheme is financed jointly and severally by the contributors, whatever the accident risk inherent to the activity they carry out. The 2010 reform introduced a bonus-malus system according to which the individual contribution rate of each contributor can be decreased or increased via an individual multiplication factor called bonus-malus factor. To calculate this bonus-malus factor, contributors are divided into risk classes and compared to other contributors in the same class, based on the cost of accidents. The AAA Board of Directors sets a single contribution rate for the coming year.

Documents (in French)

For more information (in French)

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