Working with the company’s talent



In a service-oriented economy, the added value of companies lies mainly in the knowledge and skills of employees. Faced with a shortage of talent and an increasingly complex working environment, it is in the employer’s interest to offer working conditions that allow employees to realise their full potential by contributing to the company’s development. 

The human resources strategy determines the behaviour of the company towards its employees and has a significant impact on their motivation and commitment. This strategy considers, on the one hand, cross-cutting topics such as human rights, health and safety, well-being, diversity and equal opportunities. On the other hand, the company manages employees throughout their career within the company, from recruitment to retirement. In this way, the responsible company takes into account the needs of its employees, who are its most valuable resource. 

UEL and its members make it a priority to promote sustainable talent within companies. Investing in a policy of developing employees’ skills helps to attract and retain talent. Sustainable talent is a guarantee for the current and future availability of know-how in the company. Career management and promotion then become a collaborative project where the company offers the employee development and evolution prospects within the framework of its strategy. Finally, this orientation is ensured by implementing a fair and transparent performance evaluation system. 

The INDR has devoted a chapter of its ESR Guide to the topic of “Social” and offers a specific training course on this subject in cooperation with the House of Training. The programme contains a number of topics: human rights; safety, health and well-being at work; diversity and equal opportunities; responsible HR strategy; recruitment; employee integration; responsible remuneration; career development and mobility; and employability. 

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