2021 Sustainable Economic Progress Prize ceremony


The Alphonse Weicker Foundation and BGL BNP Paribas, in collaboration with the Institut National pour le Développement durable et la Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (INDR) and the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL), presented the Sustainable Economic Progress Prize 2021 on Tuesday 26 April at the offices of BGL BNP Paribas.

The Sustainable Economic Progress Prize rewards a company that has demonstrated in an exemplary manner its contribution to sustainable development through a CSR strategy that takes into account its economic, social and environmental impacts. The evaluation criteria focus on the materiality of the CSR themes adopted, the involvement or consultation of stakeholders, the creation of shared value, innovation and sharing.

Through this prize, endowed with 10,000 euros, the Alphonse Weicker Foundation contributes to confirming and reinforcing the CSR strategy of companies; this strategy is also promoted in international standards such as ISO 26000 or the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), and described in the chapter on CSR strategy in the INDR’s ESR Guide. BGL BNP PARIBAS is supporting this initiative by awarding a prize of EUR 2,500, determined by the jury.

Companies that have been awarded the ESR – ENTREPRISE RESPONSABLE label by the INDR are eligible for the Sustainable Economic Progress Prize. These companies have formalised their understanding of CSR as an opportunity to improve their governance, strengthen their social commitment and limit their environmental impact. In this way, they ensure their own sustainability while generating positive and sustainable impacts for society. They have successfully met a consistent set of criteria in the INDR labelling process and have passed an external audit.

After deliberation by the jury, Kik Schneider, President of the Alphonse Weicker Foundation, and Béatrice Belorgey, President of the Executive Committee of BGL BNP Paribas, Country Manager of the BNP Paribas Group in Luxembourg and Member of the Board of Directors of the Alphonse Weicker Foundation, presented the Sustainable Economic Progress Award:

BAMOLUX S.à r.l., winner of the Alphonse Weicker Foundation Prize, endowed with 10,000 euros.

Founded in 1976, BAMOLUX is a Luxembourg company based in Foetz, specialising in dry finishing, interior joinery and painting and finishing.

BAMOLUX has a voluntary and structured CSR approach following the recommendations of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The company has thus defined 25 concrete development axes with the aim of making its growth model even more sustainable.

shime S.à r.l, winner of the BGL BNP Paribas Prize, endowed with 2,500 euros.

shime is a Luxembourgish private company founded in 2017. As a CSR consultancy that supports companies in the implementation of a CSR strategy, shime also acts as an actor in the field of waste management, particularly in the collection and recycling of cigarette butts. shime facilitates the implementation of “Zero Mégot” projects for associations, municipalities and companies and is currently the only actor in Luxembourg to offer concrete and comprehensive solutions for the sustainable management of this polluting waste.

The jury was composed of

Representatives of the Alphonse Weicker Foundation :

  • Gérard Hoffmann, CEO, Telindus
  • Mathilde Jahan, Head of Transformation Programme, BGL BNP Paribas
  • Yves Nosbusch, Member of the Executive Committee of BGL BNP Paribas, Chairman of the jury


Representative of BGL BNP Paribas :

  • Catherine Wurth, Head of CSR, BGL BNP Paribas


Representatives of UEL and INDR :

  • Jean-Paul Olinger, Director of UEL and INDR
  • Anne-Marie Loesch, Head of Business Development & CSR, Chamber of Commerce
  • Elke Hartmann, Head of Department, Economic Attaché, Chambre des Métiers Luxembourg
Press release (PDF in French) « La Fondation Alphonse Weicker et BGL BNP Paribas remettent le Prix du progrès économique durable 2021 »

About the Alphonse Weicker Foundation

Established in 1989 and chaired by Kik Schneider, the Alphonse Weicker Foundation aims to promote study and research in the field of science. It develops its activities in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by organising conferences and specialised seminars and by supporting research projects in fields as varied as biomolecular research, health, information technology, sustainable development, politics, social life and art history. Together with the Alphonse Weicker Foundation, BGL BNP Paribas has given itself the means to continue to play the important role that the bank has played since 1919 in the economic and social development of Luxembourg.

About BGL BNP Paribas

BGL BNP Paribas (www.bgl.lu) is one of the largest banks in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and part of the BNP Paribas Group. It offers its individual, professional, corporate and private banking customers a particularly wide range of financial products and bancassurance solutions. At the end of 2021, BGL BNP Paribas had 2,140 employees in Luxembourg.
In 2021, BGL BNP Paribas was named “Best Bank in Luxembourg” for the sixth year running by Euromoney.

About the UEL

The Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL) represents private sector employers, with the exception of the primary sector, through professional chambers and business organisations in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Because its members provide 80% of jobs and produce 85% of GDP, the UEL wants to place business and its issues at the heart of Luxembourg society. The UEL works for a sustainable and prosperous economy for the country, its inhabitants and those who work there. It works for an attractive economy for investors and talents. More information on www.uel.lu

About INDR

The Institut National pour le Développement durable et la Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (INDR) was created in 2007 on the initiative of the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL). The Institute’s mission is to guide Luxembourg companies in the adoption of CSR so that they contribute to sustainable development and improve their competitiveness and image. Based on the values of responsibility, transparency, proactivity, efficiency, continuous improvement and sharing, the INDR’s vision is that companies in Luxembourg should demonstrate responsible behaviour by integrating sustainable development into their strategy. The INDR offers a complete ESR – ENTREPRISE RESPONSABLE programme. Find all the information on www.esr.lu and on www.indr.lu

From left to right:

  • Catherine Wurth, Responsable RSE, BGL BNP Paribas
  • Norman Fisch, Secrétaire général, INDR
  • Marc Lauer, Président, INDR
  • Geoffrey Debertry, Attaché de Direction, Bamolux
  • Kik Schneider, Président, Fondation Alphonse Weicker
  • Elom Baniba, consultant RSE et Développement durable, shime
  • Stéphane Borzellino, Associé gérant, shime
  • Béatrice Belorgey, Présidente du Comité exécutif de BGL BNP Paribas, Responsable Pays du Groupe BNP Paribas au Luxembourg et Membre du Conseil d’administration de la Fondation Alphonse Weicker
  • Simon Hatuna, Consultant RSE et Responsable du projet « Zéro Mégot », shime
  • Stéphane Herard, Associé gérant, shime

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