Occupational Health and Safety Forum 2023


The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Forum took place on 11 May 2023 in the form of a conference at the Chamber of Commerce. Over the course of the day, almost 400 people attended the conference.

The OHS Forum was organised by the initiators of VISION ZERO in Luxembourg: the Accident Insurance Association, the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises and the Institut National pour le Développement durable et la RSE in collaboration with the following partners: the German Accident Insurance Organisation for the Energy, Textile, Electrical and Media Sectors (BG ETEM) and the Electricity Section of the International Social Security Association (ISSA).

More than 30 national and international speakers took to the stage. Partner ministers Mr Claude Haagen (MSS & MA), Mr Georges Engel (MTEESS) and Ms Paulette Lenert (MS) were able to address Forum participants at the opening of the plenary session.

Exhibitor stands from the organisers and partners of the OHS Forum were also set up to inform and advise Forum participants on all matters relating to the subject.

The day was divided into plenary sessions in the morning and 3 thematic sessions in the afternoon. The plenary session dealt with VISION ZERO in Luxembourg and internationally, including the new phase of the national strategy, and the management of near-accidents.

The 3 thematic sessions dealt with

“Working safely on building sites and at heights”, which also covered new prevention recommendations and good practice.
“Working safely in the agricultural sector”, with a focus on OHS in agricultural training, hazardous substances in agriculture and preventive measures.
“Working safely in the energy sector”, focusing on new challenges and prevention in the energy sector.
The detailed programme for the day is available at https://www.programme.visionzero.lu/

The 17th Occupational Health and Safety Forum will take place on 15 May 2024 at LUXEXPO THE BOX, Luxembourg-Kirchberg. The Safety and Health at Work Prize will once again be awarded to innovative companies in the field of safety, health and well-being at work.

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