National Occupational Health and Safety Award 2024


The national Occupational Health and Safety Award will be attributed during the 17th Occupational Health and Safety Forum on 15 May 2024 at LuxExpo The Box. Submit your application from 15 November to 24 January 2024 for the OHS Award 2024.

The National Occupational Health and Safety Award is part of the national prevention strategy VISION ZERO, which promotes the idea that all accidents at work are preventable and that a world without serious and fatal accidents is possible.

The Prize offers visibility to companies committed to occupational safety and health and is awarded every two years by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Security and Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Economy together with the organisers the Accident Insurance Association (AAA), Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL), the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR), the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM) and the Luxembourg Health Directorate – Occupational Health Division (DSAT).

With this award, the national partners are highlighting particularly innovative measures or products in the field of improving health and well-being at work. The award aims to highlight the concerted efforts of employees and employers to manage health at work and to prevent accidents at work and occupational illnesses, thus valuing the investment efforts of companies to improve safety, health and well-being at work and disseminating the achievements widely to benefit other companies.

In the application file, submitted by the company, the applicant must detail the measures or products implemented, explain their implementation and describe the results obtained from the project in question. The application can be supplemented by documents, presentations, photos, drawings, videos or samples. Companies and organisations can submit their applications until 24 January 2024. From the companies and organisations that have submitted their applications, five winners will be selected by a jury and awarded in the categories of “safety”, “health and well-being” and “multiplier” on the basis of innovation, prevention, efficiency, sustainability and transferability. The 5 winners will each receive €5,000 and a video of approximately 3 minutes duration presenting the project in question. After the award ceremony, these videos can be broadcast by the winners and the organisers on their website and social networks.

The award ceremony will take place during the 17th Occupational Safety and Health Forum on 15 May 2024 at LuxExpo The Box which will be organised in a trade fair format with exhibitors and workshops recognised as professional training. On the occasion of the award ceremony the videos of the winners will be shown for the first time. Afterwards, the videos can be viewed online at for the public prize voting. The winner of the public prize will receive an additional prize of €2,000.

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