INDR delivers ESR label to 23 companies


The 17th official award ceremony of the ESR – Entreprise Responsable label, organised by the INDR, took place on 2 July 2019 at the Chamber of Commerce, in the presence of Mrs. Carole Dieschbourg, Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development. On this occasion, the ESR label was officially awarded to 23 companies that had successfully met the criteria of the INDR’s labelling process.

In his welcome address, the new President of INDR and UEL, Nicolas Buck, expressed his pleasure at the fact that there are now nearly 160 ESR-labelled companies in Luxembourg. The labelled companies actively contribute to the objectives of sustainable development (SDG) through their CSR policy. Mr Buck congratulated the companies that have decided to undertake this process of accountability. He announced the publication of the new ESR Guide later this year as well as an online English version.

The INDR was honoured to welcome Mrs. Carole Dieschbourg, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, who presented the new Luxembourg 2030 programme. She congratulated the companies that are committed to sustainable development and that assume their responsibilities in Luxembourg.

ESR-labelled companies have clearly understood the benefits of CSR, which offers real competitive advantages by improving the company’s reputation; its ability to attract and retain employees or customers; the commitment, motivation and productivity of its employees; and relations with suppliers, public authorities, competitors, the media, NGOs, in other words, with the society in which companies operate.

CSR is an opportunity for each company to improve its governance, strengthen its commitment to society and limit its environmental impact. In this way, the company ensures its own survival while contributing to sustainable development.

9 new companies awarded the label

  • Aware of their responsibility and society’s expectations of their activities, the following companies have been awarded the ESR label for the first time:
    • ACA – Association des Compagnies d’Assurances et de Réassurances du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
    • Building Solution & Consulting S.A.
    • Centre de Réhabilitation du Château de Colpach
    • IFRC – Shelter Research Unit
    • InterAlia S.A.
    • ISS Facility Services S.A.
    • S.C. Engineering S.A.
    • Luxsense Geodata SARL

14 companies relabelled

After an initial three-year period of certification, the following companies have obtained the renewal of their ESR label in order to commit themselves to a continuous improvement process:

  • Aide Internationale de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise
  • Allen & Overy
  • CASINO 2OOO – CAREBA s.à.r.l.
  • CASINO 2OOO – Casino de Jeux du Luxembourg s.e.c.s.
  • Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise
  • Doheem Versuergt asbl
  • Géoconseils S.A.
  • Luxplan S.A.
  • Simon-Christiansen & Associés S.A.
  • thyssenkrupp Ascenseurs Luxembourg
  • Voyages Josy Clement S.A.
  • Zilmplan SARL

ESR Guide

Candidates assessed their company’s responsibility based on the ESR Guide developed by INDR in collaboration with the main national CSR actors. This online tool is easy to use and accessible free of charge at

The ESR Guide supports Luxembourg companies in their approach to social responsibility by demonstrating, through a hundred or so themes, how CSR creates value both for the company in particular and for society in general. The manager or CSR coordinator learns, step by step, how to develop a CSR strategy, how to improve its governance, how to manage societal expectations and limit environmental impacts.

The ESR Guide allows each company, regardless of its size or sector, to understand the benefits of CSR, to assess its current level of responsibility, to evaluate its progress and merits, and, when it has reached a certain level of maturity, to confirm its responsible behaviour by obtaining the ESR label.

The ESR label “Entreprise responsable”

The ESR label enables company managers to structure, formalise and promote their social responsibility initiatives in order to create shared value for them and for society.

Norman Fisch, Secretary General of INDR, recalled that all ESR-labelled companies have achieved the objectives set out in the ESR Guide, thus guaranteeing responsible behaviour. By fully integrating CSR into the corporate culture and sharing good practices, these companies can have a positive impact on society. These CSR ambassadors form a network of shared skills and values.

More and more company managers are asserting their CSR commitments and want to certify and promote their responsible behaviour. Since 2010, more than 1,000 companies have been made aware of CSR. There are now 156 companies with the label, employing a total of almost 50,000 employees in Luxembourg. The group of ESR-labelled companies is thus positioned as one of the largest networks of responsible companies in Europe.

23 new ESR awards

All these companies were awarded the label following an in-company verification by one of the INDR’s approved experts.

Jean-Paul Olinger, Director of INDR, presented the new ESR award to the company representatives. The trophy was designed in an eco-responsible manner by the company Maâ-Oui! The wooden base was produced from local forests and worked on by people on the path to integration from the co-labor cooperative. The glass was engraved in Luxembourg and the label printed on transparent biodegradable film.


The National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR) was created in 2007 on the initiative of the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL). The Institute’s mission is to guide Luxembourg companies in the adoption of CSR so that they contribute to sustainable development and improve their competitiveness and image. Based on the values of accountability, transparency, proactivity, efficiency, continuous improvement and sharing, the INDR’s vision is for companies in Luxembourg to demonstrate responsible behaviour by integrating sustainable development into their strategy.

Focusing on the concrete benefits for companies and stakeholders, INDR ensures institutional dialogue and offers a comprehensive support programme ESR – ENTREPRISE RESPONSABLE :

  • Awareness raising (PR, advertising, events)
  • ESR Guide (definition of CSR in Luxembourg)
  • Training
  • ESR Guide (normative role)
  • ESR assessment (diagnosis and recommendations)
  • Network of accredited CSR experts
  • ESR initiatives (platform associating existing solutions to each CSR issue)
  • ProRSE (first network of CSR professionals in Luxembourg)
  • Sharing of good CSR practices
  • ESR verification (confirmation of responsible behaviour)
  • Visibility of responsible companies
  • Valuation of their good practices

Press release by INDR, 2 July 2019

Contact: Norman Fisch

Norman Fisch

INDR – Institut National pour le Développement durable et la Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

INDR p.a. UEL | 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi | B.P. 3024 | L-1030 Luxembourg-Kirchberg

Tel: (+352) 27.330.885 | Email: | |

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