Launch of the “Starter Kit RSE” programme


On 28 April 2023, the Directorate General for the Middle Classes launched the new Starter Kit RSE programme, which provides support in obtaining a CSR label.

Designed in collaboration with the Federation of Craftsmen, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Crafts, the House of Sustainability and the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR), the Starter Kit RSE will enable companies to reach the necessary maturity required to subsequently begin the process of obtaining a CSR label.

Developed in the same perspective as the “SME-Packages”, which are aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises wishing to take up the challenges and opportunities of energy transition, digital transformation and customer relationship optimisation, the new “Starter Kit RSE” focuses on the subject of corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR is defined as the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns into companies’ business activities. This is an important practice that is gaining momentum in the world of work. Indeed, sustainable measures, such as the deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, supply chain optimisation or improving the quality of working life of employees, can contribute to the overall performance of a company.

The “Starter Kit RSE” support programme has been designed to guide and assist small and medium-sized enterprises in their transition to more sustainable business models. Each company participating in this support programme can benefit from a voucher of EUR 5,000 from the Directorate General for the Middle Classes.

For example, the INDR Starter Kit RSE provides companies with simple and pragmatic access to the digital CSR Toolbox platform. The latter allows them to start a guided pathway and to enter their data on different themes. At the end of the process, the CSR Toolbox produces a summary report and a CSR maturity assessment table. The results of the CSR Toolbox are then analysed by an accredited expert (by INDR) to identify areas for improvement and to make recommendations for a CSR approach adapted to the company. Finally, companies are individually accompanied in the preparation of obtaining a CSR label, such as that of the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Lex Delles, Minister for the Middle Classes, pointed out in this context that “the issue of sustainability and the conscientious use of our resources is gaining momentum, and for good reason: a good CSR concept in business pays off on many levels, whether it is increasing efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint, motivating employees, reducing costs or building customer loyalty. In other words, CSR has many benefits for our society, the environment and the company itself. Expertise in the field of CSR has been on the market for years. With our Starter Kit RSE programme we bring this knowledge to companies in a simple and practical way.”

An explanatory video on the Starter Kit RSE, with testimonials from companies that have tested the coaching programme and the CSR Toolbox, is attached to this press release.

Information on how to participate in the programme can be found at the following link: Starter Kit RSE approach.

Video presentation

Press contacts:

Damien Valvasori/Ricarda Braun
Directorate General for the Middle Classes
Tel: (+352) 247-88488 or (+352) 661306245

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