UEL meets the students of the University of Luxembourg


On Tuesday 24 January 2023, Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL) was invited to participate in the first University ‘s PhD Career Day organised by the University of Luxembourg. More than 400 PhD students were given the opportunity to be accompanied before their arrival on the job market by meeting major employers of the country.

The students and recent graduates had the opportunity to meet recruiters, discuss career opportunities with professionals outside the academic sector and match their skills with those required by companies.
In parallel to their direct exchanges with the business world, Nicolas Simons, responsible for economic affairs at UEL, gave them an overview of the economic landscape of Luxembourg and the advantages of developing a professional career there. His speech was followed by a presentation of the Luxembourg job market and the sectors in shortage, led by ADEM.
The University’s initiative to bring together students from the scientific education sector in the broadest sense of the term and companies is welcomed by UEL, which recommends strengthening the links between initial education and the professional world. Closer connections with the economic world help to reduce the gap between the skills of young people at the end of their university career and those sought by companies, which are faced with an exacerbated labor shortage.

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